This is what happens when Disney makes a sequel to one of there films
4 July 2011
When it comes to sequels to animated films, they don't turn out so good. For Disney, they have made tons of sequels to there films. Most of them, sucked (With the exception of, "The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride").

In 1998, they released a Direct-To-Video sequel to the 1995 animated film, "Pocahontas". The sequel is called, "Pocahontas 2: Journey to a New World".

The story is about Pocahontas going to England with John Rolfe after when Pocahontas hears rumor's about John Smith dead. That's it.

Con's: The film's story is bland, I felt like there was barely any love from the first film, the song's were mostly short and unmemorable mostly because Alan Menken did not return, and the sidekicks, Meeko and Percy, were not that funny.

Pro's: The film does have some good animation, the song, "Thing's are not what they appear", was decent, and the voice acting was pretty good.

Overall: "Pocahontas 2: Journey to a New World", is a bland sequel to a Disney classic. I would avoid this movie if I were you.
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