Surprisingly, not THAT bad
5 July 2011
When Hollywood adapts Anime, they get panned by critics and don't do so well at the box-office. But one day, I watched the live-action adaptation of the anime film, "Blood: The Last Vampire". After watching it, it was not that bad.

The story is just like the anime film except a bit different. It's about a Vampire girl named, Saya, who goes undercover as a student at a High School next to an air base. But later on, she comes face-to-face with the demon who killed her father, Onigen.

Pro's: I was surprised that most of the scene's from the anime film were shown. The fight scene's were good. The acting from Gianna Jun (Who played, Saya) was good.

Con's: The second half of the film had nothing to do with the anime film. The movie only focused on Saya and no one else. I did not care too much for the character, Alice. The CGI was really bad.

Overall, "Blood: The Last Vampire", is better than other anime adaptations, but it's still a bad adaptation. You're better off watching the anime film.
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