Very odd, surreal and often charming and funny
7 July 2011
This is intentionally low tech animation of a high order.

A series of absurd, barely connected story-lines shapes this visit to a high energy stop-motion animation world, where the characters all move around just fine, thank you, regardless of the fact that they mostly have plastic bases to which their feet are welded. There's something of old, silent film slapstick here, along with a Monty Python sense of the humor of weirdness.

On the other hand, I found it a bit hit and miss. There were certainly many sections that I found entertaining and wonderful, but there were some lulls as well. Some who are familiar with the film's origins (a series of 5-10 minute shorts made for Belgian TV) felt it played better in smaller doses, and I can see that.

But still, this is a very inventive, fun, one-of-a-kind film, and that's always to be embraced and applauded.
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