Review of Komornik

Komornik (2005)
Have faith in good people--in this case, the film crew
20 July 2011
I go with the reviews by those who actually watched the film before presuming to rate it. The quality of the production in the first half hour suggests that the best is yet to come, so stick with it--rarely fair to prejudge the outcome, especially when, as suggested, top people have accepted to become a part of the production. I personally liked the hand-held camera effect, as it made it seem more of a film crew assigned to document a few days in the life of a universally despised representative of the state.

This is a very touching--and quite human--morality tale, with absolutely none of the cloying sentimentality that infuses the Hollywood versions of similar stories.

Among other things, it has made me aware of, and interested in Polish films. Rather like East European wines, I rarely think to taste there films. Perhaps I would like their wines as well...
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