Stealing Paradise (2011 TV Movie)
Surprisingly good
3 August 2011
I've seen my fair share of made for TV movies and this has to be the best one to date. While the ending was a little anticlimactic and disappointing it didn't spoil my overall enjoyment.

I have to admit that I was on the verge of switching the movie off in the first couple of minutes as it had that typical start to an average TV movie but I'm glad I stuck to it as once the mystery got going it piqued my interest.

There are several twists and turns that will confuse you as to the identity of the killer- I thought I had it figured out but I was way off the mark and it was fun to be bamboozled.

Rachel Leigh Cook is decent for the most part, not quite as convincing as the nerd MIT genius that her character is made out to be. Graham Abbey as her brother is not bad too.

I think that this movie warrants a higher rating than what's listed. It's certainly not the best mystery movie out there nor is it a box office burner but it is certainly ranks as one of the best TV movies released and it's definitely worth watching on a lazy Sunday or on a rainy evening.
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