On the Bus (2001)
Fans will love this peek into the past.
4 August 2011
This is a combination of all kinds of wonderful things: Dustin Lance Black, Oscar-winning writer of Milk, shows his skill here by salvaging a reality series and turning it into a documentary, and by demanding variety in the cast. With him is William (Billy) Kaufmann who later worked with Black on The Journey of Jared Price (2000). The footage in On the Bus is from 1998, even though it was released in 2001 after Jared Price.

Damon Intrabartolo, Ovation-winning composer of Bare, plays some of the music for us and speaks of his heart-felt motivation behind the musical, and his uncertainty whether it will succeed. The film is worth watching, even for that moment alone.

Fans of one former late-90s porn star may be interested to see him here under his own name. Or vice versa.

Burning Man itself is a sort of character. I've seen small portions before, but this does immerse you in one group's experience. It's an alien universe, all day, every day -- and the aliens want to have sex with you.

I think it's a fascinating and valuable peek into the personalities of all six men on the trip.
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