Murder by Natural Causes (1979 TV Movie)
Spine-Tingling Suspense
8 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Contrary to what another reviewer wrote about this title, it HAS been released on video and can be readily obtained via Amazon; I believe a DVD version is still pending, although those too may be easily found online. Either way, it is definitely worth seeking out. Fans of TV's "Columbo" series will be especially delighted, as it was written and devised by the same team (Richard Levinson and William Link) who created the cigar-chomping detective, and has the same ingenious flavor and excellent plotting. As a TV "mentalist" like Kreskin who finds himself the target of a murder plot, Hal Holbrook is simply smashing. Possible Spoiler Ahead: There's a British film that predates this one by nearly 15 years, "Man in the Dark" (aka "Blind Corner") that would appear to have directly inspired the murder plot, particularly the third-act twist; although the earlier movie has nothing to do with mentalism, the rest of the plot of "Murder by Natural Causes" would appear to have been lifted wholesale from "Man in the Dark." Interestingly, rather than having purported the "second sight" that Hal Holbrook has, the intended murder victim in "Man in the Dark" has no sight at all.
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