An absolutely, rock-solid 9 out of 10
12 August 2011
I don't know what all the other reviewers here saw or were expecting. I saw a movie absolutely BEGGING to be watched in full-on 3D, with a rock-solid storyline, Pixar-quality animation, great characterization and, above all, a true sense of FUN. It never took itself too seriously, that was its huge strength. It laughed at itself, so you could laugh with it more.

I don't want to spoil one moment of this for anyone who's going to see it - so I'm not going to say what actually happens. I'm going to let you feel the magic for yourselves. Watch it with a heart full of popcorn and a child in your eyes. Watch it when you've had a bad day and it will fill you with champagne and carnival. Watch it when you want to see all the games of make-believe you played as a kid made real, somehow, and fitted into ninety minutes of roller-coaster dreams.

I don't work for the company, but I beg to differ from a lot of the reviewers here. If certain sequences - you'll know them when you see them, trust me - had had the funds for full-on 3D - maybe they did, what do I know? - if it had been given the chance by a distributor NOT blinded by the word Hollywood, this film would have been a Pixar-style smash. But there is a key to it you must remember.

Go into it WITH a child, and you'll come out of it AS a child, laughing like you might not have laughed for years.

See it. Impey's Wonderland - innocence sugared with starlight.
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