Brilliant film
15 August 2011
WHITE LIONS is an artistic and daring film. Lazar Ristovski is a legendary Serbian actor, who played in Emir Kusturica's cult film- Underground- and has already proved himself as a Director with the film The White Suit, which was at the Cannes festival in 1999. With WHITE LIONS, he confirms his specific artistic path through the character of Dile, which he interprets. Dile fights against the rich and big world on the small and poor people side. He is a version of Robin Hood or Che Guevara. In any case, his hero calls for a revolution and general strike in which it will be involved working labor of the world. This naive in WHITE LIONS gives Ristovski the right to play and to be ironic as well as to make one free polygon of free and heretical point of view. Pleiades of great actors has made great roles. Hristina Popovic great, Vuk Kostic and Gordan Kicic too. BRAVO for Ristovski and a brilliant rap song that he sings in the film!!!!
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