Bad boy
30 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
If there is something no one can accuse Thomas is of not being direct. We watch as he steps outside the prison where he has served time. Thomas wants to make up for lost time, so he decides to surprise the girlfriend he left behind. Little prepares him to find her in bed with another man! "It's been a long time" she tells him. Thomas gets the message he is no longer wanted, packs his bags and leaves, not before reminding her about how he had obsessed about having sex with him while in prison.

Thomas decides to go look for some action in bars where he figures he can get an easy pick up. Indeed, he gets lucky with Barbara, the woman whom he proposes to go to bed with. Barbara, an affluent lady, takes him to her house where they have passionate sex. Thomas, never forgetting what he does best, steals a valuable bracelet Barbara is wearing. His next stop is at a club where he spots a woman he likes. It does not take long before he, and the stranger, engage in oral sex. He rewards the woman with the bracelet he stole.

An entertaining film by Jacques Bral, who co-wrote the screenplay with Jean-Paul Leca. It is obvious from the start Thomas has no intention of ever changing, in spite of what Lea had hoped would happen. Thomas is an urban phenomenon that could be seen in big cities where a lot of single women will appreciate his charms. Some will use Thomas, while someone like Lea, after rejecting him, cannot get enough of him.

The director gets good acting from his cast. Bruno Wolkowitch is perfect as Thomas. He is handsome enough to get his way with women. His approach never fails him. He has worked a lot on television and he is a natural for the big screen. Delphine Forest showed a natural beauty and a sweet disposition. One figures she would be wise enough to reject Thomas, but she ends up falling head over heels for the man. Ludmila Mikael is fine as Barbara.

His next woman proves to be a challenge. Having spotted Lea at the record shop where she works, he follows her home. The only problem is she wants no part of him, or so it seems. Thomas decides to scale the building, ending in her small balcony. Lea is intrigued, although she does not want to be trapped into a relationship. Thomas continues to break into apartments where he steals cash and jewels from people that are away working. Finally, after pursuing Lea for a while, he gets lucky in bedding her. Unfortunately, his profession will be in the way, as he lands again in jail, for a longer sentence this time. Lea will wait whatever time to be reunited with Thomas.
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