Flew Too Close To The Sun
23 September 2011
This is another case of what happens when they take a beautifully scripted series and put in people who are models but not actors, sure they look pretty but they can't act to save their lives and it shows, emotion... zero. Which brings me to a thought, why do these producers seem to think that you can replace class with youth, its a mistake they keep making over and over again. Otherwise then that the show itself isn't bad they still have all the gunslinging, wall climbing, bad guy chasing action. You can also tell they went "politically correct" a black chick as an angel and a Latin dude as bosley. I don't mind that hes Hispanic I do mind that hes in his 20s when he should be in his 50s, once again youth for class a big no no. Overall a 4/10 cause the plot is still good since its the old plot but the models need to be replaced with actors that are age appropriate for the roles.
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