17 October 2011
I must admit, on first viewing I wasn't all that impressed, in fact I had rated this thing a 4, but after watching it a second time, maybe with a few more beers down my neck, I love this flick and I am lauging my AO!

OK, the family was crazy, but the problems with this film is that all the interesting and crazy members of this family are either dead or in jail. The rest are just a bunch of redneck trailer trash pregnant women but they are pretty entertaining. I love the scene where Bertie is released from prison, goes to steal her husband from his girlfriend's house, hijacks him to the drug store where they got prescriptions for pain pills filled while the pharmacist originally had married them. hahahahaa

This is a two hour marathon about a bunch of ignorant hicks from West Virginia. We got grandma, her daughter, and a bunch of grandkids sitting around her house smoking pot, snorting pain pills, and drinking beer they cant afford. But then how the hell do they all afford the drugs and cars cause none of them have jobs. You heard me, none of them, not one.

I guess I wasn't so impressed with this insane flick cause being from Tennessee and knowing worse families, oh yeah, there's nothing here that I haven't seen before. These guys are a bunch of Pikeys compared to the Jetts, the Stinetts, Blackwells, and the Whiteheads of Marshall County. On second thought I may be a little jealous cause I wont be doing any Oxys, Roxys, Coke, or smoking any pot at my mom's house when I go home for Thanksgiving this years.
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