Review of The Sender

The Sender (1998)
Return to Sender...
2 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers

This movie begins in a somewhat interesting way - they don't waste time introducing the alien element. A nice big spaceship and fighters.

However, it is eventually known that the movie has no sense of suspense, pacing, or much of anything else - and is so silly at times, I feel uncomfortable keeping my eyes open, much like the feeling with certain episodes of the Brady Bunch when one of the kids gets into trouble for something really ridiculous.

I was always expecting the lead character to break out in a rockabilly performance.

The alien female, dressed up like Cher when first floating about, goes from powerful to helpless to powerful every other scene. Her first appearance kind of causes me to do a double-take and withhold laughter.

One thing I am certain of, no one in this movie can drive, fly a helicopter, shoot, fly a spaceship or even walk without issues... The car chases might have been more entertaining if they made the slightest sense in continuity. Cars drive right off the road and crash for no reason whatsoever, two at a time yet, plus they appear and disappear at will. The alien female angel (whatever) doesn't even need to keep them away with her ball lightning. They prefer just driving off the road or crashing into each other.

No one can fly a helicopter either, which is probably a good thing, since they shoot up office buildings without any care at all, before crashing for no reason. The alien female can not fly the spaceship very well, either.

The "bad guy" gives the orders to shoot the intruders about five minutes before at least two of them casually leave the area. He speaks really, really SLOWLY, but once he finishes, he is asked several times to confirm this, and he gives the order very, very slowly again. That was actually the most amusing scene in the movie.

They (the "bad guys" aka government/military), of course, need the "advanced technology" of the spaceship, which was so advanced that it couldn't outmaneuver a couple helicopters without getting shot-up like tinfoil...

The nice aliens wave at the man whose son is older than him or some such.

The actors were all very nice and calm for the most part, saying their lines very softly. Has a "Happy Days" feel at times. Mork from Ork could have appeared and I wouldn't have felt surprised.
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