The Family you Love to Hate or Hate to Love
11 November 2011
Normally I'd give this long, drawn out play by play review but I can't with this doc. I went into this expecting to be totally disgusted w/ this family, which, rightfully I was. At first. Not that I totally fell in love w/ them or anything but here's the thing... The freedom, the will to live and the love of family that we all wish (even if just subconsciously) we had...this is it. The good points in this movie are such that there really isn't anything I can say that won't totally ruin those moments for you. But if you're like me, tired of living the way this Country can sometimes force us to live..tired of being the poor or being the middle class that BB is drowning out...this is totally the movie for you. Now granted, I am not about to go out killing people nor would I care for a massive drug addiction to act as some form of psycho rebellion....I do admire the fact that this family...these "people" lived by their own rules, covered their own asses and well...somewhat accomplished the mild version of anarchy we all wish we could. At the risk of being vague...this is the best I can do. Emotions will run high, you will hate em, love em..then battle with what you should do more by the end. Totally enticing, entertaining, jaw dropping, utter and complete perfection. Limited commentary and mostly interviews and real footage. Best doc I've seen in quite some time. Next to American Movie of course :) *Disclaimer* The level of grammar in this flick could speak for itself, hahaha, just try to see past that whole...cluster f*** of dictionarial faux pas. (no, dictionarial is not a real word, but after this doc..you may think it is :)
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