Starts out great but deteriorates once the plot kicks in
24 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Go West: A Lucky Luke Adventure is about Lucky Luke leading a band of travelers from New York to settle in California with the help of a man named Crook (more on him later). However, Lucky Luke also has to keep an eye on the Daltons so he ends up bringing them along to make sure they do not cause trouble while he's away.

The movie itself looks beautiful. For example, the chase scene on the bridge uses a believable combination of two and three-dimensional animation, and the characters' movements are fluid. There are some references to Lucky Luke's history such as being faster than his own shadow and smoking a cigarette. The Daltons are their usual unlucky selves and Averell is as clueless as ever, making him contribute to a lot of the humor in the beginning. Sadly, those three things are just about the only positive traits I found in the movie.

Crook's name and theme song, which involves the sound of a rattlesnake, make it painfully obvious what he's out to do. As if to further insult the audience's intelligence, the directors make it even _more_ obvious what Crook is out to do since he seems to exist solely to ruin the settlers' voyage and get rich. They do not make up for screaming "HE'S A CROOK" by giving him some kind of back story or making him more intelligent than some of the standard Lucky Luke villains.

Anyway, once Lucky Luke leaves for California with the settlers and the Daltons, it starts to get obnoxious. There's one character in the film whose entire purpose seems to be spouting censored swears for the sake of being funny*. I don't care about swear words so it's not a matter of being offensive; he's simply an annoying and unfunny character.

There's also a musical number near the end which seems to have the sole purpose of filling up some amount of minutes in the movie. The woman who sings this song joins the settlers on their journey to California but otherwise has absolutely no significant role in the film.

The action scenes near the end don't make up for some of the terrible characters (Crook and Mr. Swearing-is-Funny), the random musical number, and the ending that only occurred out of dumb luck. Seriously, it involves Rantanplan (called Rin Tin Dumb in the Canadian dub) and a stick of dynamite. While this behavior is typical for Rantanplan, it should not have been what lead to the ending.

Speaking of which, the tail end doesn't follow the tradition of Lucky Luke riding into the sunset singing "Poor Lonesome Cowboy." He doesn't even use his horse to get back from California to New York. I hope he took a train because he must be a super trooper to walk all the way back to New York AND make sure the Daltons don't escape on the way there. How they could remember he used to smoke cigarettes yet not remember how each episode ended is beyond me.

* This is all based on the Canadian dub so I have no idea if Mr. Swearing-is-Funny swears a lot in other translations.
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