Too Bad It Was Cancelled
26 December 2011
This will join the likes of Freaks and Geeks and Arrested Development as shows that should have never been cancelled. I actually went back and watched this show after I heard it was cancelled and had been nominated for some awards.

I agree with others. This show is brilliant! I love the realism of the show and its characters. There are good and bad moments and the interactions are very genuine. Most people, young or old, can relate to the struggle for success. Trying to seek your own path but still pay the bills. This show also makes me miss NYC and Brooklyn desperately. This show lives and breaths NYC. I think that is one of the great things about this show is not only the genuine stories and characters but it really feels like you're in NYC. All and all I love this show. I love the humor, the drama, the people, all of it.

My only criticism is that sometimes there are some overly dramatic plot turns. And sometimes the characters make decisions that are inexplicable or dumber than how their character is presented. I know people make mistakes but this show makes the occasional mistake (most shows make it a lot) of making something happen just for the sake of creating a plot point or drama or what not. I didn't feel like this often but occasionally something was just too unbelievable or stupid. Otherwise the shows ie excellent. Worth going back and checking for those who haven't.
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