A Game of Insipid
3 January 2012
** out of (****)

Back in X-mas '09, Richie unleashed "Sherlock Holmes", which rang with critics as well as audiences alike. It was inclusive to a few clever gags, some well choreographed action set pieces, and a slick, neat style. Fast-forward twenty four months later and you have the exact opposite. "Shadows" may be eccentric and ambitious in its attempts, but the result is rather unsatisfying. What's even more disappointing to hear is how the film starts off with a bang, but unfortunately lets up before its two hours clocks in.

I won't waste my time and energy deciphering the plot since it's pretty much the same concept except with some twists and turns thrown in along the way, so onto the acting. First of all, the performances are undoubtedly up to par. Without the star power, the films wouldn't carry its weight as great as they have. Downey Jr, Law, Rapace, and McAdams give it their all. In terms of a script? Very jumbled. I will say this though: If you look at the movie in parts, it's a whole other film (an impressive one). But alas, since the film has to run its course, watching it all play out is like watching someone re-arrange the pieces of a Jigsaw puzzle. You know that in pieces its parts are much greater than as a whole.

The major knock against this film is the pacing. The film begins with this ferocious first hour. Action-heavy sequences interspersed with smart dialogue and a very well-guided direction. But once the second hour hits, the script/writing/direction is too misguided. If you're coming here for one thing- and one thing only: The cinematography is definitely up there. Every scene soars with its visuals. Same with its action.

If you want a full-throttle of a ride, ambitious and daring in its actions, see the first half and then leave. The second is not worth bothering for. Richie, for number tres, take a bit more time on how you map out your film direction. It's unfortunate to see such a promising start with such a wimp of an ending. "A Game of Shadows" quickly fades to "A Game of Insipid".
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