Review of The Hammer

The Hammer (2007)
Funny and intriguing, entertains until the final bell
19 January 2012
Jerry (Adam Corolla) was once a promising boxer but his work ethic was not strong enough. Although he still trains, he is almost 40 and it is not a living for him. Consequently, he has taken various two bit jobs, including the one he now has in construction. His sidekick, Osswaldo, from Nicaragua, hammers happily beside him and they give each other support against a terribly domineering boss. But, one day, its breaking point time. Jerry and Osswaldo can't take any more orders or snide remarks so they damage some of the boss's electric tools and are fired. Even Jerry's car takes a hit as the head honcho puts a pickaxe in the door! More bad luck follows, as Jerry's gal kicks him out of their apartment and he ends up at relatives of Osswaldo, bunking on the couch. Soon after, at the local boxing gym, a trainer to a rising star sees Jerry and hatches an idea. He will get Jer a job at the place, giving instruction to lady students and he will also train the former champ for the Olympics! What Jerry doesn't know is that the last bit is a lie. What the trainer wants is a sparring partner for the younger star, his main client. So, it begins well. Jerry gets more serious into his training and the younger boxer has a good foil. Jer even meets a lovely defense lawyer, in his class, who may be a possible romance, though their first date is at the La Brea tar pits! Ha. When will Jerry discover he is being played? This was a funny, intriguing flick with a script loaded with great one-liners. Corolla is the writer and star of the film and he carries it to perfection. The other cast members, unknowns, are also delightful. Nice sets, costumes, photography and a confident direction also bring good results. Go get this Hammer, it IS the sharpest tool in the box and fine, fine entertainment.
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