The Big Year (2011)
Worst. Movie. Ever.
19 January 2012
Where do I begin......

This movie has Steve Martin (one of the comedy greats in my mind), Owen Wilson, and Jack Black. Where could this movie possibly go wrong? Answer: EVERYWHERE.

The movie starts off on New Years and ends on New Years, it covers the span of an entire year. Coincidentally it felt like an entire year had passed by while watching this movie, it was so slow and unfunny I couldn't believe I just watched the entire thing. I waited on the edge of my seat the entire movie for something, ANYTHING to make me laugh. The few times I laughed on the inside was when Jack Black's phone rang with "Everybodys heard about the bird, ba-ba-ba-bird-bird-bird bird is the word". I can't even begin to think of who this movie was targeted at. Gun to my head I would have to guess: Old retired "birders" or newborns that don't understand comedy and just want eye-candy (it was a scenic movie that was THE ONLY PLUS).

How on earth does this movie have a 5.5 on IMDb? Either there is a strong following of "birders" or the creators of this flick hired a ton of people to up-vote this steaming pile of..... bird crap.

Pros: Big Names Scenic shots

Cons: Not Funny Waste Of My Time I Want My Life Back Seriously I can't Believe I Watched This Horrible Script Horrible Story Bad Acting From Big Names Who Thought This Movie Would Be A Good Idea HOW DID THEY GET THESE ACTORS?! HOW MUCH DID THEY GET PAID?!
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