Apollo 18 (2011)
Apollo Boredom
22 January 2012
*1/2 out of (****)

After the promising viral trailer released back ago, I had a leap of faith for the faux documentary-filmed space horror, "Apollo 18". After constant film schedule delayed and incoming sour critical reception, I decided to wait until the film debuted in home video to spend my money then. It turns out, that wasn't the smartest move. You know why? Because I shouldn't have even bothered to watch it in the first place.

"Apollo 18" revolves around some astronauts that fly to the moon, in search to see what paranormal or extraterrestrial presence is there. Soon, they then embark on the antagonist and from there, they try to go back to land.

First off, the performances are just laughably bad and downright atrocious. The director tries to pull a feel-good card from one of the characters with a family, but it just doesn't fit and screams artificial to me. Likewise, the characters are flat and have about as much human qualities as a cardboard cutout. Moreover, the pacing is just so incompetent and the entire film is a bore. For a film that clocks in under 90 minutes, a good portion of it is just brief camera shakes, horror film clichés, and a predictability level that's just off the charts.

With a "4", there had to be some redeeming qualities? Fortunately, yes, but not many. What drew me into this movie was its setting. There aren't too many space horror extravaganzas, so I decided to count my marbles on this one, even though proved to be a mistake. And second of all, the last ten minutes, right before the finale, were actually pretty interesting. Too bad the film didn't delve deeper. What a shame.

All in all, "Apollo" is a bore. I don't need to give you another elaborate paragraph with my sophisticated vocabulary when my kindergarden-written sentence conveys the same message: It's boring. Don't waste your time on this one folks. The scares are absent, the film just goes nowhere and the sucker punch of an ending is one to upset the viewers. Trust me, seeing "Apollo 18" was enough. Come to think of it, maybe not seeing it at all would probably be sufficient enough.
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