So Random! (2011–2012)
Meh, it's stupid.
28 January 2012
OK, when this show first came out I loved it, I thought it was stupid, but I loved it anyway. About a month ago I became obsessed with another show, The Amanda Show. I soon realized that many of So Random's sketches were a rip off from The Amanda show, like the Sally Jensen, Kid Lawer(So Random), ripped of Judge Trudy(The Amanda show), who always sides with the kid just like Sally Jensen. Also guaca-mole and bedazzle zit(So random) is just like the crazy hat man(Amanda Show), who distracts people if you have a zit or a mole on your face. Another one is how the sketch with the hillbillies(so random) is wayy to much like a hillbilly moment(Amanda show), I'm surprised that Tiffany thorton doesn't start telling knock knock jokes! There are many other sketches that are the same, but if I listed them all this would be a pretty long review. Back to So Random... So the first time I watched it after I was done watching the Amanda show I was kinda shocked. I remembered it being stupid, but not that stupid. I can seriously watch an episode strait faced the entire time! Most of the sketches annoy me so much, like the stupid anime brothers or That stupid talking hand. The writers are trying to hard to get laughs. When I found out that Demi was leaving Sonny With A Chance I was really sad. She was like my second favorite character after Chad Dylan Cooper. I was worried about what would happen to the show, but more importantly sterling knight. If they were trying to focus on what so random was like before sonny came then what would happen to Chad? He couldn't go on so random because of Mackenzi Falls. So when I watched the first episode of So Random I was really confused. What the heck was Chad doing there. He seemed to leave his arrogantnes behind and became humble. Whats with that?! I've been hoping that Demi will come out of the audience and be like,"I'm back!" and then have them go back to Sonny With A Chance. That will probably never happen, so I guess that So Random will stay on the Disney Channel until it's canceled.
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