The Rider Deserves Better
18 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I went in the cinema expecting nothing but trashy fun. When the trailer came out, it was obvious that this movie wasn't aiming to be the next THE DARK KNIGHT or something of that caliber. This thing was created by the guys behind CRANK and it features Ghost Rider pissing flames,for Christ's sake! All I wanted was a simple/ excuse story loaded with insanity driven action and over all craziness to satisfy the boring weekend afternoon. I didn't want a masterpiece, I just wanted something as crazy and enjoyable as the CRANK films only this time starring Ghost Rider.

Well, apparently, I couldn't even have that.

At first glance, the CRANK team and the Rider looked like a perfect match if the trailers were to be judged (and in my opinion they were) yet for some reason the movie failed badly. Majority of the film was a total bore with poorly delivered dialogue, flat acting and nerfed action scenes (coming from the CRANK guys I kind of expected more brutality but hey, it's another PG-13 movie for the kids). The only time I felt excitement that lasted more than a few seconds while watching the film was during the final chase scene where Ghost Rider chases the final bad guy in a series of well choreographed highway fights. The ending on the other hand, is easily the worst part of the film; to avoid spoiling anything important, I'll just say the ending killed the entire purpose of the Ghost Rider character.

The movie had some nice ideas (the animations, some lines in the script, the interpretation of the main character, the action scenes, the weird insanity montage when Blaze pulled Ghost Rider out of his body, etc.) but these are not enough to even make the movie a guilty pleasure kind of deal. Instead all that's left is a lot of wasted potential in what could possibly be the worst film of the year (unless WRATH OF THE TITANS, BREAKING DAWN 2, BATTLESHIP or any of the SNOW WHITE movies manage to beat this one). Maybe if the studio allowed the directors to REALLY go all out (the kid-friendly PG-13 rating killed most of the action) or maybe if they got better writers the movie could've stood a chance at being a passable popcorn flick. I don't know what could've been but it's too late to even guess since I doubt there'll be a sequel for this movie.

Unless you want to see a good reason why the PG-13 rating is bad for some characters or a good reason to waste your money, don't watch this. The titular character deserves so much more than this pathetic excuse of a movie.
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