The Agitator (1945)
Dr Who the First Rabble Rouser
23 February 2012
The other reviewer covered the salient points to this film satisfactorily, but I should like to add a few comments of my own.How surprised I was to see the BBC's original "Dr Who" from 1963,(William Hartnell), billed as "Billy Hartnell" playing a fiery socialist role in a family owned factory saga about the fairness of society, capitalism, socialism etc.who is fond of giving his fellow workers rabble rousing speeches.The only trouble was he did not have the true facts before condemning the factory owner about exploiting the workers.

The plot gives him the chance to see how he would put his oafish ways into practice in a role reversal when the owner dies and he is given the chance to put his own ideas into place.Whether the factory's main clients are ready for this new, radical approach by the new manager, gives the film its raison d'etre.Hartnell is given 6 months to try out his new ideas causing the company to go very near (but not quite) bust. The company secretary has orders to give him an envelope after this time has elapsed containing a letter from the old boss.It states that happiness is loving your fellow man and being happy at your work.Is this the meaning of life? Hartnell has to come to terms with some of his ill conceived principles and goes on a self imposed sabbatical after leaving some experienced workers as a management team in his stead until he has adjusted to a new way of dealing with his fellow workers.His girl friend, Mary Morris, never flatters him and is always pointing out his character defects but she is clearly affectionate towards him.

This is a strange little film from 1945 which I bought at a rare video shop in Camden Market, North London, never having seen it before.I awarded it 5/10.
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