The Guns of Will Sonnett (1967–1969)
Saw it on TV
11 March 2012
I saw this when I was a kid, and hated it because they were always searching but never finding. Ever since then I hate shows that are in any way like that. The new Ashly Judd TV show of her looking for her son, seriously, we know she will never find him because that is the only way the show can continue.

Who wants to watch a show were people are always never getting the whole purpose of the show? Every show they almost find him, they just missed him, every show is a let down. Why would anyone like a show like that? I have said all that needs to be said, but this stupid web site requires me to write lots more lines, so I have to write lots more lines. What? A short review is not a good review? No one wants to read a short, to the point review? Bull crap!
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