Review of Project X

Project X (2012)
Not that funny...but never boring.
13 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Ever wonder what would happen if the monster never hit in "Cloverfield?" I wanted to see this film, mostly because I'm a huge fan of the "found footage" gimmick. I loved Cloverfield, all three Paranormal Activities, Blair Witch, and plenty of others. This is the third movie in the "Found Footage" gimmick I've seen in 2012, and I can tell you right now that it is way better than "The Devil Inside," but not nearly as good as "Chronicle." This movie got mainly negative reviews from critics and pretty mixed reviews among people, so I didn't know what to expect when going into this movie.

Stuff I didn't like included some generic characters. A lot of people are complete idiots in this movie. There is a scene where the main character's friend gets angry at him, and I really don't know what she was mad about. But my biggest problem was that the film wasn't that funny, I chuckled a descent amount of times, but I never got that big laugh and there were too many dry spots. Not as bad as Paul or Bridesmaids, but I was just hoping to laugh more.

However, despite not being that funny, this movie is never boring, at least not once the party starts. I was entertained almost all the way through, so much stuff happens at this party that it's hard not to call it "the party you've only dreamed about." I also really like the main character "Thomas," he reminds me of me. If I were in his position, that is how I would act, I would want to not get in trouble. SPOILERS: I also liked the fact that the ending didn't cop out and have the kids just fix everything, they got in trouble for what they did, and let's face it, they deserved it.

Project X was OK, it isn't that funny, but it is never boring. My recommendation is rent it, get a bunch of friends over, if you want to, get drunk and you will have a blast. I'll probably never watch it again, but I had a pretty fun time watching it.
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