Review of Red Clover

Red Clover (2012 TV Movie)
No pot of gold at the end of this film
18 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Yesterday I was watching the SyFy Leprechaun marathon. Most of it was the silly Warwick Davis series that has grown to be a guilty pleasure with me. I enjoyed those for the most part, they have a certain silly charm to them. I tuned in now and then during the marathon. But at 9PM they premiered a new made for SyFy film called 'Leprechaun's Revenge'. Unfortunately it had nothing what-so-ever to do with the other films even though Syfy included it in the marathon making it seem it was an addition to the series. Anyway, what a piece of emerald green garbage that was. It starred Billy Zane and William Devane, two decent actors when they want to be. I can only imagine what enticed them to be in this mess, the almighty dollar most likely and lack of work. Come to think of it Zane seems to be making it a habit these days of being in bad films. It's like he deliberately chooses them.

************************** CONTAINS SPOILERS AHEAD **************************

The Leprechaun here is more like something out of the Pumpkinhead films, even being buried out in the woods till someone stupidly causes him to raise up. In this case it was by picking a red four leafed clover nearby....geesh. And part of the story seemed to be pulled from 'Drag Me to Hell' where the girl was expected to die in a few days after being cursed and started seeing things. In all fairness, the premise had some potential if it was executed properly with some degree of skill. It was the bad directing, final story and dialog that did it in. By the end of the film every one of the main characters but one was dead. And we really didn't care much when they kissed that big blarney stone in the sky either. I'm not sure the film could decide whether it wanted to be a straight out horror film with a bit of lightheartedness thrown in or a total farce not to be taken seriously in the least, either way it failed miserably. One of the dumbest scenes was when Billy Zanes character was explaining how he had lost his wife. It was in the mall shopping in a mob on black Friday that he lost his beloved wife. Some sheriff he was.

Anyway, the movie was a total waste of time. It ended abruptly as if they realized in the last ten minutes we have no where to go with this so lets just kill everyone off as a joke, some Joke.
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