Has dated and is based on the poor Revenge of the Sith, but is still quite funny and well made
31 March 2012
The first thing to strike you about this Star Wars short film is that it looks dated unfortunately. The leaps and bounds in animation and computing since 2005 has done but and it is not the film's fault, but one cannot shake off the impression that it should look better. This is an unfair criticism to make from seven years in the future, so I'll put that to one side and say that ignoring time the film does actually look really good and has a real flow to it and copes well with plenty going on on the screen at any one time.

Spaceships fragment into individual bricks by the power of the Force (and Lego) to avoid rockets, which pass right through, and other similar visual gags are actually pretty funny and work very well. Even though the film recreates scenes from the third prequel (a film that deserves very little affection), I still quite liked it and it made me chuckle more than enough throughout. Simple gags well done with good (if dated) animation – could have done with perhaps an edge more cruelty in the humour because it is a little too kiddie-friendly as it is, but I did find it funny enough to do the job.
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