5 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers

First, I must confess that I am a big fan of films about lesbians or films with lesbian themes. Though this film also contained incest, because it was between siblings I was not put off and found the incest element to make the film even more captivating. For me, the selling point of the film is the relationship between the two sisters, Christine and Lea. There are many beautiful scenes which show the closeness of the two sisters, and their affection and love for each other.

However, I felt the plot had some points which were not developed fully, otherwise I would have given the film 10/10.

I think there should have been more scenes which show the Christine's obsession. During the romantic scenes, it would also have made more sense for the older sister (Christine) to be more aggressive instead of the younger sister. The relationship between the sisters and their employer could also have been explored further. Even though the employer is portrayed as unkind and disdainful towards the sisters, I don't think it was enough to incite murder. The daughter in the family also doesn't have much effect on the plot, so I think she should have been given a bigger role, like maybe bullying Lea a bit or treating both sisters badly. Then the ending would have made more sense.

Also at the end of the film, after the murders, I think the sisters should make a run for it. I know the movie is based on the actual event, but because the sisters were not shown to be that crazy throughout the beginning and middle of the film, it would not make sense for them to hide in their room at the end.

Despite some shortcomings in plot, I still really enjoyed the film. The scenes of the two sisters are just really touching, and that alone is enough to make me recommend this film.
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