Unpretentious offbeat mix of comedy, drama and music is a pleasant diversion...
27 April 2012
IT ALL CAME TRUE is a strange mixture of comedy, drama and old-fashioned musical turns featuring Ann Sheridan and Jeffrey Lynn as two show biz sweethearts who get mixed up with a criminal (Humphrey Bogart) wanted by the police who takes shelter in a boarding house run by Lynn's eccentric mother (Una O'Connor) and another lady.

Somehow, the mix of elements are strung together in a way that provides a number of charming moments, mostly involving Sheridan (who has a way with a zinger) and Bogart, who gets some gentle humor out of his gangster role and creates a likable enough character with ease. Lynn is good at portraying the nimble fingered piano player but is stiff when asked to perform as Sheridan's musical partner.

Una O'Connor gets a number of good laughs out of her irate landlady role and Zasu Pitts is amusing as a paranoid woman who has read too many detective stories.

None of it is memorable but it passes the time pleasantly enough. A talented cast overcomes a rather clumsy script that wanders all over the place. At least, it's unpredictable and good for a few laughs.
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