"An epic drama of adventure and exploration"
12 May 2012
I've finally watched the so-called masterpiece known as '2001: A Space Odyssey.' My expectations were at the highest beforehand. This was, if you did not know, made by the king Stanley Kubrick. His movies are visualized so perfectly, atmospherically-made haunting, and just all around brilliant. And this is just from seeing The Shining and The Clockwork Orange. So I took advise and watched it at night, on my 60' TV screen. My mind was empty, ready to be fed brilliance.. Not only did the film feed my expectations, it fed my brain. As weird as that sounds, 2001 did much more than it was meant to...

AMAZING. My mind was shattered. Throughout the film, my heart was beating rhythmically to the silence. This film is slow, know this, but it's slow-pace is only to be of annoyance to Michael Bay worshipers. The film's slow-pace is very slow, but to a point where the suspense obscures what could be boring. And the film, in a technical point, was just awe-inspiring. This is a 1968 film. The special effects were stunning to see, and this is from a 90's kid. I've seen late 70's films that have worse special effects than this right here. That's quite the achievement, Kubrick.. Everything from set-design to acting was well- done, but the real film is underlying in it's story.. During the duration, I was confused. The film just made no sense. But that's the point. There has been theories, cult-ish nonsense about the whole 'point' of this film, but no one will understand their confusion. The movie was meant to make you believe it was nonsense, but the truth is never to be told. My confusion made me enjoy the experience more than anything. The film questions humanity itself, even questioning the meaning of existence, of life, all wrapped up in a brilliant sci-fi epic. It seemed like it had no point at first glance, but it's all inside the package. But the film is a experience, that everybody should experience once in their lives. I hate saying "I just saw 2001!" because that sentence, in my mind, wouldn't of made sense. It would sound illiterate. So, I am joyed to say, I have experienced 2001...

But all this brilliance is going to be claimed stupid. Mainstream viewers have already knocked off this film, stating it's prolonged scenes were pointless, the film having no point to it. But, truth is, this film right here as inspired sci-fi films of today. Even if you didn't enjoy it, you have to appreciate what it has done. It has created a universe worth seeing. It has created and planted the idea for Michael Bay to direct Transformers. All these sci-fi films nowadays, are inspired by the greatest sci-fi epic of all-time: 2001: A Space Odyssey.

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