Heartwrenching, heartbreaking cinema but so worth it.
19 May 2012
I'm a sap, I hold my hands up, Something like The American Tail sets me off whenever it's on TV. I found myself nearly wiping my snotty nose on the back of the cinema seat in front of me but was saved by a flash of on-screen comedy (not to give anything away).

I went to watch this today not knowing anything about it apart that it was directed by Jean-Marc Vallée and that it was sold to me as a supernatural/romance story. Great! i'll give it a go... I was glued to my seat after 5 minutes by it's beautiful cinematography/editing and subject matter.

Two stories from different eras. One man, with everything in his life but feels a sense of underlying conflict about his relationship with his ex wife. One woman, caring for her son who has Down's syndrome. The stories are inter-cut (non linear) and unrelated but as we progress we begin to see similarities. You don't want to know the whole story, it really is a hammer to the heart.

You feel emotionally involved with what's unfolding (and a whole lot of stuff unfolds) that will leave you either rushing out to declare your true love to someone or, you'll end up walking on your own through a city with an icy heart (I haven't decided which yet).

There will be themes that you will be familiar with, broken relationships, jealousy, Maternal obligations/ or not. A brilliant cast and script, important subject matter and a 'diluted Lynchian' ending serves this up to be an essential watch.

My advice is don't read too much about the story. Leap of faith ;)

Oh and it features some amazing music... but there's a point to that too.
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