Heartbeats (2010)
sound and music extravaganza
23 May 2012
Best Canadian film of the year, or any year without Arcand of Egoyan in the spotlight! One word of caution: don't jump to evaluate the plot. Like a good book, this film is better in the introspection it causes than the story per se. Great visual effects, a soft French style story, witty intrusions and a general sense of elegant joy when watching. The story is as natural as life itself. Andy Warhol meets Almodovar in this Xavier Dolan, a paella of colour and music, of pain and elation all making an experience. It exudes the thinking behind every frame, the carefully chosen colours and outfits, the engaging music, the nerdy framing. As a respectful critique, I just think some frames look too much like video clips. Still it captivates and never gives you a chance to go to the fridge during watching. Some may like simple biological stimulus, (watch then some blockbusters with Julia Roberts in all her pectorally enhanced glory) but this film is about complicated humanity. A deserved Cannes selection, will follow the director with interest. Given his age, the future may bring us finally some more quality Canadian Cinema. © Dan Gabriel 2012 dan4gabriel@gmail.com
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