I actually thought it was quite good
26 May 2012
I know I'm going out on a limb in saying I like this movie, as wherever I go there is always someone who looks down on the Barbie movies with scorn. Although I am not the main target audience(I'm 20) and although none are among the best movies in the world, I do get some pleasure out of them, especially Nutcracker, especially for the music and the characters. Barbie in A Christmas Carol is not one of my favourites in the franchise, but I did like that it had its heart in the right place and it is a nice movie to me. The dialogue is on the corny side, I did find the Ghost of Christmas Past annoying and the animation is not as good as that of Nutcracker, Swan Lake and Diamond Castle, having moments that are either too flat in colour or over-saturated, even then there are some nice moments still. What tempted me in the first place in seeing this movie was not just that it was Barbie, but also what they would do with such a great story that has been told so many times and of course the colourful cover. Surprisingly the story is told very nicely, parts are toned down a little to make potentially scary parts like The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come but considering the target audience this was appropriate, and the storytelling overall maintained the story's heart and sentiment with a heart-warming ending and not too much of an overly-sentimental air. Again, not one of the best adaptations of the story, but a long way from the worst. The music is sprightly and really puts you in a mood for the festive season, and the characters are great on the whole, although I liked the change of pace for Barbie from brave, strong-minded and resourceful to the less idealistic values of selfish to sympathetic my favourite character was Chuzzlewit, who is so funny in his clumsiness and adorable. The voice acting is good, Kelly Sheridan is such a talented voice actress to me, from Nutcracker she showed great promise and is getting better and better every time I hear her. Overall, quite good in my opinion. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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