Formulaic and talky but watchable
30 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
An uncommonly young (and handsome) Ray Milland makes a perfectly adequate Bulldog Drummond in his one and only take on the role; some of his line readings are very amusing ("He IS bearded!"). The film itself sticks close to the formula of its predecessors (a young woman in distress, abducted and held against her will, by a smooth-talking villain who is hoping to get rich not so much through her, but through one of her relatives, etc.), except that the woman this time (Heather Angel) is a great proto-feminist heroine, with a knack for knocking bad guys over the head with various objects (she accidentally does this to Drummond himself once!). The film is also a bit too talky, but the cast, both main and supporting, keeps it watchable. **1/2 out of 4.
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