Killer Shark (1950)
"This is party for men only."
2 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Don't let the title fool you. If you're tuning in expecting something on the order of a warm-up for "Jaws" you'll be greatly disappointed. Most of the 'killer shark' footage is stock film, and the single incident that comes close to being a nail biter is that scene where a hungry great white chomps on the legs of Captain Jeff White (Roland Winters) and a crewman (Edward Norris) tries to pull him out of the ocean.

What the story is about has to do with a young college grad, Ted White (Roddy McDowall) hooking up with his seaman father after a dozen year absence. Together they hit the open ocean with a Mexican crew to hunt shark for their liver, which is packed into tin cans after the fish are gutted. There's no mention of what happens to the rest of the shark, and it would have been a shame if they weren't turned into steaks or some other commodity of commercial value.

McDowall had a significant career as a child actor and young adult following his American debut in 1941's "How Green Was My Valley", and he still looks incredibly young here. Doing a cheapo production for Monogram was probably as close to a low career point as one would imagine, but it paid the bills for folks like Roland Winters who had a six picture stint with them as Oriental Detective Charlie Chan.

What held my attention most in the picture were the actual scenes of the fishermen pulling in their catch. Sharks were being hauled aboard the Sunrays left and right using all manner of nets and hooks, but I suspect a lot of that was stock footage as well. As far as the story goes, one could make the case that this was a B Western plot that was simply moved to a different venue. It had the returning son (Westerns used nephews and nieces a lot), a pretty female romantic lead (Laurette Luez), and a host of good guys and bad guys who mix it up in a saloon brawl to close out the story. The one thing different when it was all over, McDowall's character was ready to head off into the sunset all by himself.
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