Forgettable entry
5 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
At this point, the "Bulldog Drummond" film series seems to be merely going through the motions, and the films are starting to blend together. Although the plot of "Revenge" (amazingly inaccurate title, by the way) involves a powerful explosive that could theoretically wipe out an entire city, there is nothing interesting or urgent about it. And there are no memorable scenes in the film, except for a plane crash and a severed hand. The cast is largely going through the motions as well, except for E.E.Clive who continues to score with his comic deliveries. I did prefer John Barrymore's more serious, less disguise-heavy take on the role of Colonel Neilson, compared to the previous entry. Louise Campbell's Phyllis is around mostly to scream and faint. ** out of 4.
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