Just a really good film...with a devastating ending
14 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't really expecting too much from this one. Gary Cooper is not exactly the most versatile actor there ever was but surprisingly, he covers a range of emotion in this one. That being said, he's not the real star of this film...Anna Sten is.

Words can't describe at how beautiful Anna Sten is in this. She plays her part so believable it'll make you wonder why she never hit it big in Hollywood. She never caught on after this film and she faded into obscurity but when you see this, you'll be blown away at how good she was. Such a wasted talent. She should have done so much more.

A not-so-successful writer and his wife run out of money and he decides they should go back to his country home because it's paid for and they need no money to live there. She's not too enthused about it cause she loves NY city life but she acquiesces. They get there and she doesn't like it but she soldiers on. Not long after they arrive he gets a visit from neighbors, Anna Sten and her father, who want to buy a section of land from him. He agrees and comes into money. The wife is quite happy and decides she wants to go back to NY...where she likes it. He agrees and lets her go while he stays behind. After this, the neighbor comes back and she becomes inspiration for his next novel. From this he falls in love with her...as she does with him. Problem is, she's from a strict Polish family with deeply religious values.

If I were to get too much further into this one it would ruin it but needless to say there's a lot more coming after the synopsis I just gave you. Hang on to your seat though, you won't wanna miss any minute of this mid 30's soap opera.

Without a doubt a film that deserves a serious look. I think it gets no credibility because of Gary Cooper. He was never an actor who was gonna win Oscars. He's a one trick pony and most probably thought that when this one came out. That's OK though, those who missed this one....missed out.
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