Let It Shine (2012 TV Movie)
Great Movie!
19 June 2012
I was really skeptical about the movie. Being a African American male, i pride myself on listening to music that is mainly "Real Rap". When i watch the previews of them using those two words, i was like "Pssh, yeah right.". I was wrong. The lyrics had a lot of realism within them along with a positive message, CoCo Jones had a great debut in the film, she is a very talented artist. She reminds me of a young Jennifer Hudson, looks like her as well. I love the message of the movie, "Stand up for what you believe in." Though it is a bit of a cliché' I find it to be a great message for kids that watch Disney Channel.

I found the acting to be good, but there was something i was skeptical on at the start. Being how CoCo Jones is Fourteen, and Tyler James Williams is nineteen, i was really wondering if they was going to make them kiss. I did not really find it that acceptable if so, then again. That 70's Show had a fourteen year old Mila Kunis kiss a 20 year old Ashten Kucher, so they say. Still did not seem right if so.

To some it up, the music was good, and the movie was overall very good. It is a movie you should watch, though i know a lot of you may be older than twenty, you may have a low tolerance for movies with cliché's, i recommend you to ease up. It's a Disney movie, not a Academy Award Winning movie. Its main base is for kids and teens, don't be so critical.

Thank You for reading.
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