Worth a look.
21 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"Shall We Kiss?" is a pretty good little film--mostly because the story is very unique. It begins when Gabriel and Emilie meet. They spend a happy evening together and as they are about to part, Gabriel is about to kiss Emilie. However, she stops him--saying that even an innocent kiss COULD lead to unanticipated consequences. She then goes on to tell him a story about two people she knows of--Judith and Nicholas. It seems that both were lifelong friends and Judith was in a relationship with Claudio. However, after Nicholas breaks up with his girl, he's depressed and full of repressed sexual needs. To relieve this, he suggests, quite haltingly, to Judith that she sleep with him--as friends. However, starting with a little kiss, the two slowly fall in love and then they are stuck--Nicholas is now with a nice lady and Claudio is also a nice person. While Judith and Nicholas WANT to be together, they can't let themselves hurt their partners. Where this all goes next is something you'll need to see for yourself.

While the film is a bit unsavory for its elements of adultery, it is handled in a delicate and occasionally funny manner. The overall production is quite nice--not brilliant but clearly worth your time due to nice acting and a fresh story.

"Before a kiss is given, no one knows if it will big or if it will be small"
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