Review of Taxi

Taxi (I) (1998)
Rank And File
9 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
If you approach this in the right spirit there's much to be enjoyed though you won't necessarily want to revisit it within say five years or so. If you're coming to it for the first time in 2012 then Marion Cotillard is going to be the major selling point given that she is just about the only one of the cast that went on to not only greater but also International things and even with limited screen time she doesn't disappoint - plus it's as well to bear in mind that she was signed up for the sequel long before she picked up every gong in sight for her portrayal of Edith Piaf. The plot, if you can call it that, is clearly something that Luc Besson salvaged from Francis Weber's waste-basket centering as it does on two disparate males more or less obliged to work together for a given time; in this case we have our old friend the inept cop - think Jack Lemmon in Irma La Douce - who is totally incapable of passing a Driving Test and sees an opportunity to acquire his own personal street-wise driver when he strays into the cab of a totally fearless taxi driver. A highly organised gang of German bank robbers are making monkeys of the French police and from there you're on your own. This has got to be worth ninety minutes of any schoolboy-at- heart's time.
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