Eleanor chases the sunshine man
15 July 2012
After some highly dramatic items like The Detective Story and Caged, Eleanor Parker got to strut her comic self in A Millionaire For Christy. She certainly had the talent for comedy, but in that genre she's best in Many Rivers To Cross.

Parker plays a secretary in Douglass Dumbrille's law firm and she gets a cross country assignment. Travel from NY to LA and inform Fred MacMurray that he's inherited two million dollars. With a little advice from co-worker Una Merkel, Parker decides to set her cap for him if he's not a total beast.

MacMurray is considerably more than that. He sounds like the replacement for Clifton Webb as Waldo Lydecker from Laura before he got all enamored with the title character and paid dearly. He's got a radio program like Webb and he's called the sunshine man. Only problem is that he's getting married to Kay Buckley the same day.

After Parker breaks up the wedding quite hilariously things get wilder and crazier. Do I have to say what happens to both of them?

A Millionaire For Christy is a nice, but vain attempt to recapture the spirit of the screwball comedies of the Thirties. Public tastes had changed post World War II and the movie-going audience wanted some more serious fare. Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn were doing more serious type work, in the Thirties they owned this kind of film.

Richard Carlson plays MacMurray's best man and rival for Kay Buckley. He turns in a droll performance trying to turn MacMurray's situation to his best advantage. He's a psychiatrist, but with a few drinks in him he's crazier than whom he treats. I wish we saw a lot more of Una Merkel in the film as well.

A Millionaire For Christy is amusing, but a throwback from another era.
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