Video Game High School (2012–2014)
Organic, Flawed, Perfect
17 July 2012
I wish I could watch this series again through the eyes of someone else. Someone who hasn't been watching freddiew videos for over a year, and wasn't refreshing the VGHS Kickstarter page to watch the donations accumulate, and wasn't subscribed to bfirenzi and EpicMealTime and feastoffiction ...

My first-timer friends fit all of those qualifications. To my delight, they were all just as engrossed and entertained as I was. It was as if I had helped create the episodes and was yearning for their approval.

The series is not flawless. The character development felt a bit rushed and a critical eye can spot minor inconsistencies. But who cares? What makes this series special is that it wasn't polished by the Hollywoodlanders. It's organic. And in the end, I was able to share a common experience with my non-youtuber friends: we loved it.

(Shout out to Brian "The Law" Firenzi--you stole the show, fantastic acting)
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