Review of Disgrace

Disgrace (2008)
Total misrepresentation of South Africa
24 July 2012
This movie is a complete insult to us indigenous South Africans. Firstly you don't find such a young white girl living on her own in a rural area amongst us - that is unreal here in SA. Secondly white life is more valuable here than any other race. If a white girl is raped, even a helicopter would be flying looking for suspects. It is even more insulting to us Africans that an African father would protect a rapist teenager - Africans condemn rapists no matter who they are. Africans do not just go on as if nothing has happened if their neighbour has been attacked - we show compassion and support. That Petros in the movie does not represent the normal behaviour of Africans - that movie is dsepicts us as uncaring and evil monsters. People who have lived with Africans will be horrified to see this movie. The producers and actors in this movie owe us Africans an apology.
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