Salomy Jane (1914)
Very well done for 1914
24 July 2012
This short can be found in the recently released DVD collection "Treasures of the West"---a collection of mostly short films from the earliest days of movies until 1938. "Salomy Jane" is one of the few full-length films included with the package. And, interestingly, it really is full-length--at 87 minutes--making it a VERY long film for its day.

For most folks today, "Salomy Jane" will be rather tough going. Although the camera-work and locations are nice, the style of the film leaves a bit to be desired. Like many films at the time, the intertitle cards OFTEN describe action about to happen (ruining any sense of anticipation) or describe people (such as saying one is 'no good') instead of showing that the person is shiftless. Now this is not to say it's a bad film--this sort of storytelling was common at that time. But it does detract a bit from the film. What IS nice, however, is the location shoot among the redwoods as well as having a heroine who is not just some whining girl but a woman of action and depth. For lovers of old silents, this is great stuff. For those not acquainted, you might want to try a few other films first due to the old fashioned (even for 1914) style.
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