This didn't age well.
26 July 2012
"La Mort du Cerf" (also called "Une Chasse à Courre") can be found in the DVD collection entitled "Avant-Garde: Experimental Cinema: 1922-1954: Vol. 3"--a collection of very unusual films that probably would hold little interest to the average viewer.

This is a short French film about the hunt and begins with some close up shots of hunting from various tapestries--showing the link between the days of old and today. Then, the film switches to was appears to be home movies of some folks about to go on what appears to be a fox hunt. It is depicted as fun and noble--and is set to some very classy music and visions of smart people out to have a good time. And, it turns out they are not hunting foxes but deer. Eventually, they corner a stage, shoot him and drag its body about as the hounds jump about in a bit of a frenzy.

The biggest problem with this film is that this sort of hunting today is seen by many as cruel and not especially sporting. In addition, many really don't want to see a deer killed when they watch a film. I am sure this played a lot better back in 1951--today it just seems a bit odd. However, for a cheap film made by non-professionals, it's pretty well done.
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