Heartfelt Drama That Makes You Laugh, Cry and Every Emotion in Between
3 August 2012
KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, 15-year-old Raven Devanney shares her review below:

Video review available here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzovjcl38xw

People like us is a heartfelt drama about a man who's life takes a turn for the worst and in unsuspecting events leads him to a sister he never knew he had. This film was exceptional. It stars Elizabeth Banks, Chris Pine and Michelle Pfeiffer. People like us made me laugh, cry and feel every emotion in between. The visuals in this film were great and the acting was superb. My favorite character was Frankie played by Elizabeth Banks because her performance was so solid and she definitely carried the comedy of this film as well as the heavier emotions. My favorite part of this film is when Sam played by Chris Pine is getting to know Frankie and her young son because I enjoyed watching their bond grow.

It really bothered me that Sam wouldn't tell Frankie who he was until the end of the film because it just complicated their lives, but it gave the film a much needed twist. I recommend this film for ages 13 and up because of adult content and younger children may have a more difficult time fallowing along with the plot. Overall I give People like us 4 out of 5 stars.
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