Review of Kissed

Kissed (1996)
Not as terrible or as brilliant as the extremes profess
26 August 2012
This is a purposefully simple and obvious film, but good. Could it have been more complex or developed? Sure. Did it need to be? I think not. The goals were achieved. The mood was executed appropriately, and the performances were given well enough that additional development, while perhaps useful, was not necessary to the objective.

Do we need to know why the little girl is attracted to dead things? Not really, unless you're doing a psyche profile on her. For dramatic purposes, it is simply enough to note that she has a life long relationship to it. In fact, in this case there is even a romanticism & perhaps myth centering around her obsession, such that overly defining how it came about would defeat its allure.

That allure is what the film is embracing, the allure of necrophilia being more than just a sexual fetish, involving perhaps all four of the principal characters, the girl, her boyfriend, her mentor, & even the custodian, all of whom have varied, & uniquely unnatural fascinations with the subject.

The story is direct, & it drives straight to the point without delay, & its characters all have a purpose & design, which conclude fittingly, even including the girl's undertaker mentor, who gets a glimpse into her truth at the end & leaves speechless, knowing all too well what is really happening, just as his custodian knows too well the truth of him.

Anyway, onto the question everybody needs answered. Is this arousing? Well, in any well adjusted sense, of course the notion of making love to the dead is not supposed to be sexually arousing, but the film is, or at least alluring, if not in a fully sexual way. Truth be told, there is something arousing about this film, even if it's only arousing to the subject of necrophilia in a voyeuristic way.

In short, it's not arousing such that it makes you want to go hump a corpse, but it does make you want to watch her do it. As such, the film is a success at pushing the artistic envelop. To understand the level of difficulty in achieving something like this, one need only reflect on how impossible it would be to make an equally enticing story about any other abominable fetish, like fecophilia. Sounds pretty tough doesn't it?

A great deal of the success in making this story alluring was in how it was presented & by whom, & I mean specifically the well played performance given by the celestially beautiful Molly Parker, whose every square inch of freckled majesty I worship, so much so that I too would hang myself, sooner than look away from her glorious visage, or turn away from hearing the hushed tones of her sweet & transcendent voice

I would feel myself bask in her radiance, even if it were a movie wherein she only sat at a bus stop & read from the phone book. I'll watch anything that woman is in, & in this case, I felt I spent my time wisely.
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