Jesse James (1939)
27 August 2012
Following the US Civil War, attention is turned to the building of the country's trans-continental railroads. Unfortunately, the technological advances mean America must throw many nice families off their land. Wicked government officials hit innocent children (like George Breakston) and cause sweet mamas (like Jane Darwell) to burn alive in their homes. This understandably turns peaceful, law-abiding citizens into notorious, vengeful criminals. Missouri farm-boy Tyrone Power (as Jesse James) and his tobacco-spitting brother Henry Fonda (as Frank James) form "The James Gang" and target the trains that killed their Ma...

Basically a kind-hearted man, "Jesse James" would like to settle down with the Mayor's nice niece Nancy Kelly (Zerelda "Zee" Cobb) and loyal family retainer Ernest Whitman (as "Pinkie"), but his past criminal lifestyle threatens everyone's future happiness. This story and follow-ups beginning with "The Return of Frank James" (1940) glamorize the criminals, which should come as no surprise. Strikingly handsome co-stars, beautiful Technicolor and great action made "Jesse James" a big hit. One of the stunts (the escape sequence ending over a cliff) proved harmful to horses and resulted in more care given to such matters.

******* Jesse James (1/13/39) Henry King ~ Tyrone Power, Henry Fonda, Nancy Kelly, Henry Hull
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