Amazing, but...
25 September 2012
Let me start off by saying that I am a fan of the "Resident Evil" universe, but personally, as far as the way that the concept has evolved and mutated away from it just being zombies and zombie dogs to strange biological mutations used in warfare, to giants and what else do we have, well... Not really much fan of that. I guess I am just old fashioned that way, leave it at zombies, not all this stuff that is just hard to buy into.

I thoroughly enjoyed the first CGI animated "Resident Evil" movie "Resident Evil: Degeneration" and I was thrilled when they announced this one to be released.

And now having seen it, I sit here feeling somewhat disillusioned. This was just too much remnant of the "Resident Evil 4" game, which I didn't enjoy that much. Plus there were no zombies in the movie at all. It was all 'lickers', strangely infected pod-people (infected with something that looked like a mutated flower, then making them look like zombies, but they weren't!) and giants. Giants! Are you kidding me. I could appreciate Nemesis, but these? No way! They looked like cousins of the blue guy from "Watchmen", it was just ridiculous.

Don't get me wrong, "Resident Evil: Damnation" is not bad, not at all. It is an amazing treat for the eyes to behold. The CGI graphics were off the charts. There were so many great details in the scenery and on the characters/creatures. The movie is well worth watching a second time just to pay attention to the details in everything on the screen. And the animation of the characters and creatures was really great and very believable.

The movie had a good amount of action and fighting, which was very nicely choreographed. And the storyline was fast-paced and continuous, although it was a bit shallow. It didn't really offer much new to the "Resident Evil" universe, sadly.

The characters in the movie were nicely portrayed, and it was good to see some familiar faces revisited. The voice acting was also good, which is really important in an animated movie. However, I don't understand why these Slavik people weren't speaking in their native tongue. Why were everyone speaking English with a slight Eastern European accent? It is just like World War 2 movies where the Germans speak English with a prominent German accent, it just doesn't work that great. Had they opted to have them speak in their native language and had English subtitles the movie would have worked on a whole other level.

Now, the bad things in "Resident Evil: Damnation" was the lack of a deeper storyline. It was fairly shallow and didn't really offer much for anyone in the story to work with. And what was up with those giants? When I saw that, I was ready to turn off the movie and find something else to watch. Nemesis was acceptable, as he was a zombie-like mutation towering over humans, but these giants were just downright ridiculous. The worst flaw in the movie, in my opinion, was the lack of proper zombies (as seen in the first three games). "Resident Evil" should have and not just zombie-like pod-people.

I had my hopes and expectations way up high for this movie, and I was shot down hard because of a shallow storyline and laughable mutated creatures (and the lack of zombies just appalled me). Sadly, "Resident Evil: Damnation" is not as enjoyable as the preceding "Resident Evil: Degeneration" CGI movie.

But if you are more open for various mutations and a deviation away from the original "Resident Evil" concept, then I am sure that you will find "Resident Evil: Damnation" to be rather enjoyable.

The movie is well worth watching for the amazing graphics and CGI alone.
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