Red: Werewolf Hunter (2010 TV Movie)
And these guys are experienced werewolf hunters?
25 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Warning, this may contain spoilers.

Much has been said already about the CGI (get over it, it's a budget SYFY movie) and the atrocious acting and monotonous delivery already, so I won't expand on it.

Instead, I'll focus on these so-called experienced werewolf hunters, one of whom is supposedly also a top-notch FBI agent who "kicked the ass" of the best in the Academy.

Seriously, I've seen better combat skills from 17-year-olds at airsoft games.

There's nothing in the manner that any of the characters act that lends any credibility to the idea that they routinely hunt werewolves or (in the case of the two Feds in the story) even normal human fugitives.

Being a werewolf movie, Willing Suspension of Disbelief is required to accept the premise that werewolves are real for the sake of the movie.

That Willing Suspension of Disbelief should not have to extend to accepting that this pack of useless sods has somehow managed to survive multiple encounters with dangerous shape-shifting monsters, despite their obvious lack of any tactical or combat ability.

If you're going to portray hardened/seasoned combat veterans, at least watch a few videos of real soldiers in action if you don't want to spend money on a proper adviser.

The scene that finally consigned this to the scrap heap was when "Red" ran upstairs in the midst of the fight: A werewolf starts climbing into the room behind her, making enough noise to alert the most obtuse or inattentive person and yet this "kick-ass" Federal Agent and seasoned werewolf-hunter does not notice it.

And for dealing with attacking packs, you'd think - given silver bullets are specifically mentioned as effective and they use them in their pistols - that the heavy armaments on their house would be belt-fed machine-guns (you actually see Red grab an ammo belt at one stage but it's never used in anything) rather than single-shot spear-guns.
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